Herniated Disc

Pain Medicine Specialists located in Williston Park, Bellerose, Queens, Midwood, Brooklyn and Port Jefferson Station, NY

Herniated Disc
Herniated Disc services offered in Williston Park, Bellerose, Queens, Midwood, Brooklyn and Port Jefferson Station, NY

Herniated discs are common among adults in their 40s and older, but you don’t have to suffer if it happens to you. At Innovative Pain Medicine, premier pain management doctor Usman Saleem, MD, MSPT, uses unique leading-edge methods like percutaneous microdiscectomy to relieve herniated disc pain in adults, without incisions or surgery. There are four New York offices in Williston Park in Nassau County, Bellerose in Queens, Midwood in Brooklyn, and Port Jefferson Station, so contact the one nearest you by phone or use the online booking feature to learn more today.

I have a herniated disc. What does that mean?

Your spine has a long column of bones (vertebrae) with cushioning discs spaced between them. 

Discs can bulge, which means the thick gel in the middle of the disc starts pushing on part of the disc’s tough outer layer. This creates an effect similar to a hamburger being larger than its bun. 

Eventually, the disc can herniate, or crack the outer disc shell. The gel center then leaks into the spinal canal, pressures the delicate nerves around your spinal cord, and causes pain. 

What symptoms are common with a herniated disc?

A herniated disc often causes:

  • Pain, usually on one side of the back or neck: often shocklike or “electrical” pain
  • Pain radiating from your neck or back down a limb
  • Radiating prickling sensation
  • Radiating numbness

Herniated discs mainly affect the nerves, which is why they can cause such uncomfortable symptoms. But, a herniated disc may also affect the muscles the nerves supply sensation for. Over time, this may lead to muscle weakening and problems like leg weakness, stumbling, arm weakness, or difficulty holding objects.

I wasn’t injured, so what caused my herniated disc?

Many people assume that herniated discs happen due to injuries. While it’s possible to suffer a herniated disc when you fall or have another type of accident, physical trauma is rarely the true cause of disc herniation. 

In many cases, disc herniation happens because years of routine wear-and-tear lead to disc degeneration. The discs lose their flexibility and are more likely to crack as you age, so when discs are already weakened, a simple movement like a twist at the waist or straightening after bending over may cause herniation. 

What can I do about herniated disc pain?

About 90% of herniated discs heal with no surgery required. Innovative Pain Medicine offers leading-edge herniated disc treatments like percutaneous microdiscectomy, an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia. 

With this procedure, a slim needle is inserted directly into the herniated portion of the disc no incision needed. The part of the disc that’s irritating spinal nerves is then removed through the needle, which immediately relieves the pressure and pain. 

Physical therapy pairs well with percutaneous microdiscectomy because it strengthens the muscles around your spine and lessens the risk of future herniations. 

Innovative Pain Medicine customizes a herniated disc pain relief plan just for you, so don’t wait to call the nearest office or click the online booking feature anytime.