When Your Neck Pain Could be the Sign of a More Serious Problem

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When Your Neck Pain Could be the Sign of a More Serious Problem

We've all experienced that occasional stiff neck after a restless night's sleep. However, when neck pain becomes persistent or accompanied by other symptoms, there's a potential cause for concern. 

At Innovative Pain Medicine, pain management specialist Usman Saleem, MD, MSPT, and the rest of our team are dedicated to helping patients get back to leading a life with less pain. Neck pain is a common issue, but it's wise to have it evaluated instead of putting it off. That nagging neck pain could signal a more serious problem.

In this post, we discuss some common causes of neck pain and how our team can help you get some relief. 

Herniated discs and bone spurs

Neck pain originating from herniated discs or bone spurs is more than just a nuisance; it can hinder daily activities. When spinal discs rupture, they can compress nerves, causing a burning sensation or electric shock down the arms. 

Bone spurs, meanwhile, develop over time due to the body's response to joint wear and tear. These bony projections can impede nerve pathways, leading to tingling or numbness.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis can affect the neck (cervical spine). This autoimmune disorder occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints. It may cause vertebrae to shift in the neck, potentially endangering the spinal cord. Beyond pain, untreated rheumatoid arthritis in the cervical spine could lead to balance problems or difficulty walking.

Cervical spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis typically occurs in the lower back or neck. It's marked by spinal canal narrowing, which prevents the spinal cord and nerve roots from traveling unimpeded. If narrowing occurs in the cervical spine, neck pain and abnormal sensation may occur due to nerve root compression.

Past trauma

Our bodies remember traumas, sometimes storing them in surprising ways. For example, whiplash, a consequence of sudden back-and-forth neck jerks, can cause symptoms weeks or months later. 

If you have whiplash, you may experience pain, limited neck motion, headaches, or dizziness. It's wise to pay attention to these symptoms, given their potential link to past incidents.

Tech neck 

In our digitally-connected world, many are hunched over computers or looking down at their smartphones for extended periods. This modern lifestyle choice has ushered in a surge of neck-related complaints. 

Poor posture can strain the cervical spine, leading to chronic tension and discomfort. Coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, these habits can significantly weaken the neck muscles over time, rendering them less capable of supporting the head adequately.

Getting relief from neck pain

Innovative Pain Medicine offers personalized solutions for various chronic pain issues. The following are three effective treatments for neck pain:

Cervical epidural steroid injections

This procedure involves injecting a corticosteroid directly into the space around the spinal cord (epidural space) in the cervical region. It can reduce inflammation and pain, providing relief for an extended period. It's particularly useful for individuals suffering from herniated discs or spinal stenosis, which cause compression on nerve roots.

Cervical sympathetic block

This is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure where local anesthetic is injected near the cervical sympathetic nerves. It can help reduce pain and improve circulation, especially for those with conditions like complex regional pain syndrome.

Radiofrequency ablation

A cutting-edge treatment, radiofrequency ablation involves using heat generated by radio waves to target specific nerves causing pain. By temporarily turning off these nerve's pain signals, significant relief can be achieved, sometimes lasting for months.

Innovative Pain Medicine is committed to providing a comprehensive approach to each patient's unique situation. Our team tailors treatment for each patient. 

If your neck pain persists or you're experiencing other concerning symptoms, reach out for a professional consultation by calling 917-686-0987. Your overall well-being deserves nothing less than thorough care and attention.

We have four locations throughout New York City: Brooklyn, Queens, Williston Park, and Port Jefferson Station.