Is Working From Home a Pain in Your Neck?

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Is Working From Home a Pain in Your Neck?

The transition to working from home offers flexibility and eliminates commutes. However, if you haven’t made your home office ergonomic, your physical health can suffer, especially your neck. 

One common complaint among remote workers is neck pain – a result of home office setups that lack ergonomic support and long hours in front of screens. If you’re dealing with neck pain and initial treatments like physical therapy haven’t provided enough relief, board-certified pain management specialist Usman Saleem MD, MSPT, and the rest of the team at Innovative Pain Medicine can help. 

Why remote work can cause neck pain

Conventional office environments are outfitted with equipment designed to support productivity and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal issues. Desks and chairs in conventional offices keep the spine aligned so that you can work in comfort. 

Make shift home offices tend to need more ergonomic equipment. Working long hours hunched over in an unsupportive chair places strain on the neck and shoulders. Before long, the neck starts to hurt, and you find yourself with chronic neck pain.

Cervical epidural steroid injections

When conservative treatments don’t quite cut it, cervical epidural steroid injections may provide relief. This procedure involves injecting a steroid medication into the epidural space of the neck, which can quickly and significantly reduce inflammation and pain. 

It’s particularly effective for those with nerve root irritation or spinal stenosis, conditions that often contribute to chronic neck pain. The relief from these injections can last several weeks or even months, offering comfort and improved mobility.

Radiofrequency ablation

For long-term relief, radiofrequency ablation (RFA) may be an option. This minimally invasive treatment uses heat generated by radio waves to target specific nerves causing pain. By carefully disabling these nerves, RFA can effectively disrupt pain signals sent to the brain. 

It’s an effective option for patients with chronic neck pain who have responded positively to diagnostic nerve block injections. The results of RFA can sometimes last up to a year or even longer.

Facet joint injections

Facet joint injections are another treatment that can provide both diagnostic and therapeutic benefits. The facet joints are small joints that help stabilize the spine. Pain originating from these joints can be addressed by injecting a combination of a local anesthetic and a steroid directly into the joint. 

Not only can this provide immediate pain relief, but it also reduces inflammation in the long term. These injections can be particularly effective for individuals whose neck pain stems from issues within the facet joints.

When to consider advanced treatments

It’s important to note that these advanced pain management treatments are generally considered when conventional therapies haven’t provided adequate relief. If your neck pain persists or worsens despite initial treatments, it may be time to consult a pain management specialist. Dr. Saleem can assess your condition, discuss the potential benefits and risks, and determine the most appropriate action.

Don’t ignore remote work-related neck pain. Contact our office to request an appointment with Dr. Saleem and take the first step to restoring a pain-free life.